With the right temperature and humidity, what seemed to have no life, reveals the ambition that was, after all, just dormant – a new plant that is born and grows towards the sun and that can become a small herb, a bush or a huge tree that will live for hundreds of years. The seeds are fascinating. They are the perfect kit created by Nature so that everything can, one day, be reborn. In a way, the Portuguese brand SEMENTES DE PORTUGAL® is also a seed. An idea that germinated in the autumn of 2013 and that has not stopped growing since. As a result of its privileged geographical situation, next to the Atlantic, but with clear Mediterranean influences, Portugal has an autochthonous flora that is rightly considered to be one of the richest in all of Europe. Of the close to 4000 species that compose it, there are countless ones that have recognized landscape, ornamental, aromatic, medicinal or even condiment and edible qualities, which has motivated over the last few years a growing and renewed interest in their use. The brand SEMENTES DE PORTUGAL® were born with this purpose in mind. To make available to all who seek them, the seeds of the most emblematic species of Portuguese flora. And with that to contribute constructively to promote the autochthonous and spontaneous flora of Portugal in its multiple potentialities, namely ornamental and landscape. Used as garden plants, the SEMENTES DE PORTUGAL® species decisively contribute to the construction of new and better green spaces – more efficient, sustainable and increasingly authentic ecosystems capable of supporting other forms of life. Valuing the enormous ethnobotanical heritage and recovering the affective ties that link us to the countless wild species that populate not only our woods, bushes and fields, but also our memories, and which over generations have been appropriated by our popular culture in their various aspects – medicinal, food, spiritual or religious. Species that, even though they are not at risk of extinction, have almost disappeared from our gardens and gardens. Encourage everyone who wants to germinate the seeds of their favorite species. It is within everyone’s reach. And everyone can benefit from that rewarding experience of watching life unfold.