The Portuguese brand MONTE CAMPO® is a company of family origin, created in 1978, dedicated exclusively to the manufacture and sale of various products related to outdoor sport and leisure activities. Throughout its existence, the brand MONTE CAMPO® has developed a serious commitment to customers in relation to the quality and design standards of all products. The use of more technical and specific materials, both in fabrics and in finishes, has been a constant that continues to seek to use, develop and perfect more and more. The models have been perfected according to the needs and requests of the most diverse quadrants, such as campers, climbers, scouts, military, sportsmen, etc. All this dedication, commitment and sacrifice are compensated by the recognition given in Portugal to the brand MONTE CAMPO® as a market leader and a national reference brand in these sectors of activity. Customers are profoundly aware of all the obstacles they face, they know that only with safety and perfection can they overcome them. The quality of the equipment they need and demand exists in the MONTE CAMPO® brand.