Accessories are as important to complete a holiday look and the brand KEEP OFF® puts together a selection of towels, pareos and other pieces of clothing linked to the beach, sea, sports and resorts with a unique feature – it developed these accessories with an innovative Portuguese nanotechnology, Repel Mosquito, conceived as a prevention of vector-borne diseases, such as Malaria, Dengue, Zika, Yellow Fever and Chikungunya, among others, that are mainly located in tropical and subtropical regions and are caused by a living organism carrying a pathogen that infects other living beings. Although there is anti-mosquito clothing, the repellent effect was lost after a few washes. Only now, with the advent of nanotechnology, it was possible to create a durable and efficient product with resistance above the 100 washes and even a temperature of 90 degrees. On the one hand, the repellent nanoparticles do not kill mosquitoes, only put them away, and on the other hand, all the products of the brand KEEP OFF® have the lowest degree of toxicity to both animals and for the people, and can be used from 6 months of age. The new, innovative and revolutionary product with functional bio textiles went through the process of accreditation by IHMT (Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) to give to the customer the most effective repellent product warranty with Smart Technology Repels Mosquito Innovation. Malaria is a contagious disease that kills more people worldwide, after tuberculosis. In Africa, a child dies every 45 seconds of Malaria. The safety of anti-mosquito products for the human health is one of the most important reasons of the brand KEEP OFF®. This nanotechnology has no toxic or irritation effect on the human skin, because it’s well tolerated. The same happens if it’s inhaled or ingested. It has several advantages, which include being a repellent solution (not insecticide), non-toxic and safe for humans (application from 6 months of age and no skin irritation), biocompatible and ecofriendly. Additionally, it is easy to apply and exhibits high efficacy and durability.