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From the idea «What if a work of art could be used…» was born the Portuguese clothing brand ANTIFLOP®. As art is a universal and timeless language, ANTIFLOP® scarves and écharpes emerge as a representation of the personality of each piece and each artist, taken to people’s daily lives. ANTIFLOP® brand garments are more than just a fashion accessory as they have content and a story to tell. Situated between the worlds of art and fashion, the brand ANTIFLOP® has developed partnerships with artists, museums, galleries, shops and Portuguese and international concept stores. In the limited collection «ART BY ANTIFLOP®», works by artists such as Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso, Nadir Afonso, José de Guimarães and Sofia Areal were reproduced. These collaborations allowed the brand to reach a strong and exclusive position in the cultural, artistic, fashion and design markets in Portugal and abroad. In the case of the «ICONIC BY ANTIFLOP®» collection, the brand presents the most iconic in Portugal with the reproductions of Fernando Pessoa’s a hundred banknote, the oldest recorded map of Portugal, the Portuguese traditional sidewalk and from old newspapers of the capital press. The brand founder Teresa Bacalhau, experienced in the fashion field and passion for art, created the concept of this Portuguese brand whose main ambition is to bring art to people’s daily lives in a simple way that can be literally used.
